The Man Behind this Page

My name is James….. Okay, you’re right. That’s not true. I am hiding true identities for the sake of people involved, including myself. I am married to…well, let’s just call her Anna. We have two awesome kids, Evelyn and Lucas. Our marriage has lasted us this long, married in 2003. I struggle with depression and it has almost ended my marriage and has almost ended my life. Since my depression is ongoing, I don’t know what tomorrow will look like. I don’t have it 100% under control, but I want to share my experience with others who can relate to my life.

I call this Blog “My Made Up Hard Life” because the depression causes me to make my life harder than it needs to be. Yes, the depression is hard itself, but the way it makes me think is what makes life difficult for me. I tend to over think many situations, and some situations that require more thought, I don’t give it the attention it needs. As a reader, you will follow along with my life experiences. I will discuss my ups, my downs, and my triggers. I will give insights into what helps and what hinders the control of my depression. A lot of the difficulties in my head are made up or exaggerated. My opinions about myself are incorrect and blown out of proportion. My views on how others perceive me are usually negative. I am working on changing my thought process by putting in place some tools and resources. These include receiving Jesus as my savior, finding out as much as I can about how others deal with depression, and opening up to my wife, which is probably the hardest thing I have had to admit and implement so far. Opening up to my wife has not been easy, and I still struggle but has been instrumental in battling my depression and saving our marriage.

After a small hiatus from my blog, I wrote A Recap. So, you might want to check that as well.

Check out my Latest and Greatest tab for recent blog posts.

Thanks for reading “My Made Up Hard Life”. Thanks for experiencing life with me.

God bless,
