Tonight’s prayer

God, There’s a piece of me that feels missing and lonely. Fill that void, I want to crave You. God, this weekend I remembered what it was like to be me. The real me. Not the depressed, anxiety ridden me. I remembered the silly, witty, funny me. Let me keep that. I want to holdContinue reading “Tonight’s prayer”

One of the most moving videos

I saw this drama done at our old church and just really related and brought tears to my eyes. At that time, I was deep in depression and Jesus was saving me. Our pastor at our current church played this video a couple weeks ago.I just felt like it needs to be shared for all.Continue reading “One of the most moving videos”

My Gratitude Posts

For the record, if you don’t know the origins of my ‘Gratitude’ posts, they came about for two reasons. 1. I was feeling distant in our relationship and I was looking for a way to come closer to her again. 2. I wanted to get her an awesome 15 year anniversary gift. So I purchasedContinue reading “My Gratitude Posts”

Gratitude 28

I love your giving heart. As a family from church goes through a tough Christmas of possibly losing there middle son to cancer and other health issues, and on top of that being, having no money to get their Christmas tree out of storage because they are behind on the rent, you pooled enough moneyContinue reading “Gratitude 28”


God, my emotions are all over today. I’m so upset with myself because I am so selfish. I am beating myself up over being selfish. I just want to serve you, serve my family, and love the world, yet I get stuck in my own selfishness. I will do better for the rest of theContinue reading “Prayer”

Wiped Out

Boy, this has been a really long week. The. Days. Are. Moving. So. Slow. But tomorrow is Friday! But with Friday comes a busy weekend. But let’s recap this week. Sunday was good, started out the day at Sunday School and then church. After church was the kid’s Christmas rehearsal. Then dropped the kids offContinue reading “Wiped Out”

Gratitude 22

It’s easy for me to get out of the habit of some things. My Wife Gratitude posts, or even my Journal posts have been seriously lacking. So this post is me pushing the reset button again on reviving my Blog. Gratitude 22 to my wife: I am just so grateful for all that you do,Continue reading “Gratitude 22”

Time to Get Back on Track

Hey Everyone, I think it’s about time that I start sharing how I am dealing with my depression these days. There are several reasons why, so I’ll start sharing them over the the next several posts. Nothing scientific. In conjunction with this, I’ll also be posting (at least trying) daily gratitude entries towards my wife.Continue reading “Time to Get Back on Track”